Providing Support and Empowering Lives

Learn About SWAG Illawarra – A Food Charity Helping the Community

Discover how SWAG Illawarra is making a difference in Wollongong.

Our Mission

At SWAG Illawarra, we provide support to the homeless and less fortunate in the Wollongong community.

We are dedicated to providing essential support to the homeless community, ensuring they feel valued and cared for.

Our mission extends to supporting the community in times of need, fostering a sense of togetherness and solidarity.

Inspired by Christian values of love and compassion, we strive to make a positive impact guided by faith.

Our organization is built on the principle of serving others with kindness and empathy, making a difference one act at a time.

About SWAG Illawarra: Compassion in Action

SWAG Illawarra stands as a testament to what community, compassion, and commitment can achieve when directed towards the noble cause of aiding those in need. Founded by the Douna brothers, Elie Douna and Charbel Douna, in the heart of Wollongong, this charity emerged from a deep-seated belief in providing not just sustenance but also dignity and hope to the homeless and less fortunate in the area.

Our Journey

The inception of SWAG Illawarra was inspired by personal experiences and a strong Christian faith that emphasizes love, service, and community. Recognizing the growing disparities within their own community, the founders embarked on a mission to address these issues head-on. What started as a small initiative has grown into a significant movement, bringing together individuals, businesses, and volunteers, all dedicated to making a difference.

Our Mission

Our mission is simple yet profound: to feed the hungry, support the vulnerable, and uplift the spirit of those who have fallen through the cracks of society. We believe in a hands-on approach, directly engaging with the people we aim to help. Our activities go beyond merely providing meals; we seek to create a sense of belonging, offer emotional support, and foster a community where everyone is looked after.

Our Impact

Thanks to the unwavering dedication of our volunteers and the generous support of our donors, SWAG Illawarra has made a tangible difference in the lives of countless individuals. From the distribution of hot meals and essential supplies to organizing community events, we’ve seen firsthand how small acts of kindness can transform lives. Our impact extends beyond immediate relief, contributing to a broader effort to address the root causes of homelessness and social exclusion.

Our Vision

Looking ahead, SWAG Illawarra is committed to expanding its reach and deepening its impact. We envision a future where no one in our community has to face the harsh realities of homelessness alone. By strengthening our network of support, enhancing our programs, and advocating for systemic change, we aim to be a beacon of hope and a force for good in Wollongong and beyond.

Get Involved

Our work is only possible through the support of people like you. Whether it’s through volunteering, donations, or spreading the word, there are many ways to join us in our mission. Together, we can continue to make a difference, one meal, one conversation, and one person at a time.

Contact Us

To learn more about SWAG Illawarra, our programs, or how you can contribute, please visit our contact page. We’re always looking for new partners, volunteers, and supporters to join our cause. Let’s make a difference together.

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Our team is fueled by compassion and a shared commitment to make a difference.

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